
The City of Dacula Marshal’s Office and the Gwinnett County Police Department are valuable resources to help the residents feel safe in our community. Marshals are State Certified law enforcement officers, also sworn as Gwinnett County Deputy Sheriff’s, and charged with enforcing state laws and city ordinances inside the city limits of Dacula. The Marshals provide assistance to the Gwinnett County Police Department’s East Precinct officers, as needed, since we are often closer to emergency calls than they are at any given time.
Your Marshals are proud to serve our community and remain available to answer your questions and respond to your concerns. Please feel free to contact the office at 770-963-7451 if you have any questions or wish to report a code violation. The identity of all persons reporting violations or criminal/suspicious activity is strictly confidential. You may call the Marshal’s Office after hours, but please leave a voicemail with contact information.
In the event of an emergency or to report criminal/suspicious activity, contact 911 before contacting the Marshal’s Office.