
1891: Dacula, Georgia Is Formed
After the completion of the Georgia Carolina and Northern Railway, the workers call the settlement “Hoke,” while local residents call the town “Freeman” in honor of Mr. John W. Freeman, a prominent member of the community. Mr. Freeman applies to establish a post office in Hoke, Georgia, but his application is rejected because of the town’s name being used elsewhere in the state already. By combining Decatur and Atlanta, Dacula is created; the name is approved by the United States Post Office and Dacula, Georgia is formed.
1900: Dacula Masonic Lodge
Dacula Masonic Lodge is constituted.
1901: Train Wreck
First known train wreck is reported in Dacula, Georgia. Two Train Hands are injured and thirteen train cars are wrecked.
1903: Economic Boom
Dacula enjoys great progress and prosperity with a booming economy.
1908: Roba Mary Stanley Born
The first solo female country music recording artist, Roba Mary Stanley, is born in Dacula.
1909: Dacula Banking Company Established
Dacula Banking Company opens for the first time ever.
1925: Pot Of Gold
Pot of gold is unearthed on Dr. Samuel H. Freeman’s old place.
1927: North Georgia Basketball Tournament Champions
Dacula High School Boys Basketball team wins the championship at the Northeast Georgia Basketball Tournament in Athens, Georgia.
1927: Oil In The Well
Excitement arises when potential oil is discovered in a Dacula well.
1927: The Woman’s Home Demonstration Club
The Woman’s Home Demonstration Club is formed in Dacula in order to assist in the betterment of homes throughout the county.
1927: The Bennefield Murders
The Bennefield Murders take place in December and go down as one of the most horrendous murders in Gwinnett County. With a motive of robbery, murderers killed Mr. Jim Bennefield and his 10-year-old son, John. The bodies were discovered and Sam Gower, Joe Price, and LeGrand Sikes were held for the murders of the Bennefields. Gower received the death penalty, Price was given a life sentence, and Sikes received a total of twelve months on the Gwinnett County Chain Gang.
1928: Miss Lucille Wilson
Miss Lucille Wilson, Gwinnett County School Supervisor, of Dacula, Georgia is awarded a scholarship by the National Committee of Education.
1931: Future Farmers Of America
Dacula High School organizes a Future Farmers of America chapter.
1939: Dacula Mechanical And Agricultural School Building
A new Dacula Mechanical and Agricultural School Building is erected.
1939: The Green Hand
Dacula’s FFA members and H. J. B. Turner, Vocational Agricultural Teacher of Dacula, play roles in a motion picture titled, “The Green Hand.”
1943: The Canning Plant
The Canning Plant in the Dacula High School Vocational Building opens to the public.
1944: Double School Fire
Dacula Elementary and Dacula High School are destroyed in a fire.
1945: Basketball District Title
Dacula Boys Basketball wins Ninth District Title.
1946: New Schoolhouse
New Dacula schoolhouse is built with twelve classrooms and an auditorium.
1954: District C Title
Dacula girls basketball team takes the District C title.
1966: Dynamite Explosion
A truck loaded with 1,500 pounds of dynamite blows up on the highway within Dacula city limits.
1979: State Championship
Dacula boys win Class A State Championship..